Tuesday, February 2, 2016

The Love List: Love with Food Box

I'm a big fan of the subscription box.  I've used Ipsy, BeautyBox, Birchbox, and Nature Box - all of which I have enjoyed.  But of course, financially, having all those boxes can get a bit expensive.

One I'm currently enjoying is Love with Food.  It sends boxes of healthy, non GMO snacks to your door once a month.  Now, I'm a snacker, and I usually try and keep it to fruits and veggies, but every once in a while, you have to change it up.

This was the one I got this month.  This particular one is the Tasting Box, and it's $7.99 a month.  In it, you get at least 8 snacks to try.

Now, a word of warning, if you have a nut allergy, you might not be interested, as you can't delineate that ahead of time.  I don't, though I don't particularly like nuts, so I just give those snacks away.

This box, for example, had some granola cookies, some bruschetta for dipping, some organic corn chips, a turkey stick, a bag of organic cherry hard candies, and a few little sweet treats - one was a square of chocolate with crushed corn flakes in it!

These snacks, if you like them, are then also available to buy in their store.

What I like is that you get a nice mix of salty and sweet, and it's brands that I won't necessarily find in the store but can easily find online if I like them.

And the best part is, for every box you buy, they donate a meal to a food bank in America.

Good snacks and good deeds?  Sold!

If you are interested in giving this a shot, this is a referral link (once you sign up, you can earn points by referring others!).

Love with Food

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