Monday, July 14, 2014

21 Day Fix Helpful Hint - Roast those Veggies!

I'm not a huge veggie eater.  I wish I liked them more than I do, but the ones I do like, I like a lot, so I guess there is that.

One of the things I do to help set myself up for the week is to prep them ahead of time.  And my favorite way to do that is to roast them.

Roasting your favorite veggies brings out great flavor and makes them a little crispy as well.

I've roasted all sorts - my favorites being brussel sprouts, asparagus, zucchini and yellow squash.

Generally what I do is spray a baking sheet with some coconut oil spray and preheat the oven to about 425.  Then I lay any veggies I want in a single layer, spray a bit of coconut oil on top, and bake for about 20 minutes, flipping them once.

Once they are roasted, I store them in airtight containers and then I have them for the week for anything from a side dish, to a flatbread, or an egg scramble.

An example?  My flatbread pizza!

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